Siemens Gamesa Drives Real Change in Local Communities

Siemens Gamesa drives real change in local communities, improving the lives of more than 1,500 people.

“Before this year, we had no toilets and no water access. Now we not only finally have access to that, but the whole school has been renovated too. We can concentrate on our studies now!,” said Adam Amtot, one of the children at Daya Primary School. This is one of the eight initiatives from the first edition of SGRE Impact, under which a number of rural schools in Morocco benefited from major upgrades through the installation of water supply and sanitary facilities.

Through SGRE Impact, Siemens Gamesa aims to bring positive change to people and the environment in the communities in which the company operates. Last year’s edition reached over 1,500 people like Adam, who were able to advance and improve their circumstances thanks to the initiatives proposed by Siemens Gamesa employees.

Another project was the Siemens Gamesa Soccer League which helped transform the lives of children from impoverished rural areas of India by giving them the opportunity to learn good nutrition habits and values such as leadership, discipline and teamwork.

“I wanted to take up sports and eventually got into football. Today, it has become my passion. Elders in my town say that they were married at my age and ask me what am I doing in life by playing football. I tell them that this team has taught me the importance of discipline and of respect for coaches and colleagues and, most importantly, for opponents,” said one of the kids participating in the Indian initiative.

The success of the first year of SGRE Impact has encouraged Siemens Gamesa to renew its commitment to social sustainability by broadening the program in its second year.

Drawn from proposals made by the company’s employees, this edition includes nine new projects covering all the continents. Each program has been designed to give back to the communities where Siemens Gamesa operates and will focus on the issues of water and sanitation, education, gender equality, health and climate action.

“I firmly believe that large companies like ours have a responsibility to contribute to improving the society in which we live. Therefore, this initiative will help us to play a greater role in the development of the communities in which we are present,” said Markus Tacke, CEO of SGRE and patron of SGRE impact.

“Once again, our employees have demonstrated their engagement with social impact and a high level of commitment by playing their part to improve society. I am thrilled with their willingness and enthusiasm, reflected in the number of applications received, which deal with a broader array of areas and locations than last year,” added Markus.

SGRE Impact is aligned with the company’s Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) strategy and reinforces its commitment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Get to know the selected projects for SGRE impact 2020 (listed according to the related Sustainable Development Goal):

           SDG 01: No Poverty

USA: Elliot Test Kitchen, in partnership with Test Kitchen Education Foundation: With a focus on improving access to decent meals and education on the part of students in Fort Madison, this program strives to provide children with an afterschool program that teaches them about nutrition while also providing decent meals and mentoring.

           SDG 03: Good health and Well-being

China: Wind People Running for kids with leukaemia, with New Sunshine Charity Foundation: This project is aimed at raising money by matching funds raised in an annual sponsored run in favor of kids with leukaemia. Employees will then have the chance to visit the center and organize educational and interactive activities for the children.

           SDG 04: Quality Education

Mexico: Fab Lab Ed, with Fundación Axcel A.C.: This project will provide 112 students who are at risk of dropping out of school with interactive training in STEM disciplines.

           SDG 04: Quality Education

Germany: A future through the sport that you love, with I-Punkt Skateland e.V.: Aimed at students in risk of dropping out, 5 to 15 students from disadvantaged families will be involved in renovating a shared skating space under expert guidance.

           SDG 05: Gender Equality

Thailand: Girls Empowerment Program, with PlayOnside: Aimed at promoting gender equality and equal access to sports for Burmese migrant children displaced in Thailand, this project will focus on promoting girls’ integration through a multi-faceted approach.

           SDG 06: Clean Water and Sanitation

Tanzania: Dolphin village – water and sanitation, with Elimu e.V.: This project aims to improve access to drinking water and sanitation for an orphanage and the adjoining village. The aim is to construct rainwater collection systems and sanitary facilities and to educate the community in their use.

           SDG 07: Affordable and Clean Energy

Bangladesh: Solar street light at refugee camps in Bangladesh, with UNHCR Spanish Committee: This project aims to improve security for 9,000 refugees, especially women and girls, while also promoting sustainability by installing solar-powered streetlights in Rohingya refugee settlements.

           SDG 14: Life below water

Spain: Save the Ocean, with Fundación Ecomar: This project contributes to cleaning the oceans by organizing 8 seashore cleaning events in Spain and Portugal with the help of kids from the area and SGRE employees.

           SDG 14: Life below water

Taiwan: Beach clean-up, with RE-THINK: Beach clean-up event for SGRE employees at one of the worst-hit beaches in Taiwan, with the aim of reducing pollution in the area.









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