Bboxx to Help Electrify the DRC

Bboxx Ltd, a next generation utility, is a British company that manufactures, distributes and finances decentralized solar powered systems in developing countries has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The partnership aims to bring affordable, reliable and clean electricity to 10 million citizens – the equivalent to 10% of the population – in the DRC by 2024.

The agreement was signed today by Eustache Muhanzi Mubembe, DRC’s Minister of Hydraulic Resources and Electricity and Co-founder and COO of Bboxx Laurent Van Houcke at the UK – Africa Investment Summit in London.

The MoU builds on Bboxx’s ongoing work in the country where it has already provided 200,000 people with access to electricity, transforming lives and unlocking potential.

Access to electricity will trigger wider economic growth in the DRC, while helping to advance the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. Delivering reliable, affordable energy (SDG 7), will drive the creation of 100,000 jobs and promote sustained, inclusive economic growth (SDG 8) as well as offset 4m tons of CO2e emissions to help combat climate change (SDG 13).

Recognizing that traditional grid infrastructure is not a viable solution in rural and peri-urban areas of the DRC, President Tshisekedi declared: “With the DRC’s growing population, new grid connections are needed each year to keep the electrification rate constant. My ambition is to use decentralized and renewable energy solutions as a foundation to improve the country’s electrification rate from 9% to 30% during my presidency.”

Mansoor Hamayun, CEO and Co-founder, Bboxx commented: “It’s very encouraging to see the DRC’s ambitious vision to use the latest technology to improve the country’s energy access and to drive economic development.

“Bboxx has already had a tangible impact in the country and we look forward to strengthening our partnership with the government to continue to transform more lives. This agreement will be the key to unlocking the potential of underserved communities and to ensure a successful socio-economic impact on the Congolese population.”

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