Algeria targets 16,000 megawatts of renewable energy by 2035

HASSI MESSAOUD (Ouargla) by APS – Prime Minister Abdelaziz Djerad on Monday told Hassi Messaoud of a national strategy for a smooth energy transition aimed at developing and raising the production of renewable energies to 16,000 megawatts by 2035.

In his speech on the occasion of the celebration of the double anniversary of the nationalization of hydrocarbons and the creation of the UGTA, Mr. Djerad affirmed that this strategy, which aims to produce 4,000 megawatts by 2024 and 16 000 megawatts by 2035, will save nearly 240 billion m3 of natural gas in addition to an efficient development of the fabric of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), specialized in the manufacturing of renewable energy components.

The Prime Minister presided over the festivities commemorating the double anniversary of the creation of the UGTA and the nationalization of hydrocarbons on Monday in Hassi Messaoud (W. Ouargla).

Mr. Djerad highlighted, in this sense, the imperative to continue to encourage the booming petrochemical industry, with a view to enhancing the national production of hydrocarbons, meeting national demand for petroleum derivatives and move towards export.

"Freeing oneself from dependence on hydrocarbons and moving towards renewable energies is no longer a choice for the government, but an imperative necessity, given the fluctuations in oil prices," he stressed.

Stressing that Algeria "has a huge potential in solar energy which allows it to be a pioneer in the production of this type of clean energy", Mr. Djerad clarified that "this is the new economic orientation adopted to exit absolute dependence on oil rent ”.

In terms of economic renewal, the Prime Minister stressed the imperative to develop agriculture, industry, petrochemicals, tourism and the knowledge economy and all the sectors that generate wealth, "in as the only way to face the challenges that are imposed on us ”.

"The Government is resolved to move forward to meet these challenges, strong in this from the history of struggle of the Algerian people, the mobilization of workers, the genius of researchers and the ambition of youth", a he assured.

In addition, Mr. Djerad recalled that the creation of the UGTA and the nationalization of hydrocarbons were two of the greatest stops in the modern history of the country and an avant-garde example in terms of consolidating the achievements of national sovereignty, which must be reinforced by other achievements to move from the frozen use of this wealth to its exploitation in the revival of an industry and an economy that create wealth.

"We must mobilize our efforts to allow our country to reach a new stage despite the difficult internal and external conjunctures," he added, saying that "the strong aspirations for change, for democracy, for social justice and the building of the rule of law, expressed by the people on February 22, 2019, also constitute "another historic halt in the process of building new Algeria"

Youth, the knowledge economy and the value of work: untapped resources

This step, he added, is aimed at "building the rule of law, strengthening individual and collective freedoms and participative democracy and the transparent management of state institutions, which will be enshrined in the new Constitution. , in addition to the diversification of the country’s economy to make it competitive through the optimal exploitation of all available development capacities generating wealth and jobs ”.

In this regard, the Prime Minister affirmed that the capacities and means available to Algeria allow it to become an emerging country in a short period of time, provided that both show goodwill and combine their efforts.

"We are required to exploit other resources untapped to date", including youth, the knowledge economy, the digital transition and the value of work, argued Mr. Djerad, emphasizing the imperative of encourage young people to look to the future with confidence from the angle of creativity, innovation, competitiveness and aspiration for excellence, while drawing inspiration from the generation of November who has fully accomplished its duty for the liberation of the country from the colonial yoke and the recovery of its sovereignty over its natural resources.

Highlighting the importance of the knowledge economy and the digital transition as criteria against which the power and influence of states are measured, the Prime Minister stressed that the competitiveness of the economy based on knowledge, innovation and digital technology leaves no room for "those who are lagging behind" in this new world.

According to him, Algeria has enough resources to accelerate development and ensure successful integration into the world economy.

In addition, Mr. Djerad called to unite around the noble principles that make work a civilizational and moral value whose requirements must be respected while being convinced of the need to make up for the time lost in building a Strong condition.

For Mr. Djerad, development loses its purpose if it does not contribute to improving the living conditions of citizens throughout the national territory.

Referring to the protection of purchasing power, Mr. Dejrad recalled the measures decided by the President of the Republic that the Government are working to implement, namely the total exemption from low wages, the revision of the minimum wage, the market regulation, consumer protection from speculation and the subsidization of widely consumed products, which will not increase.

In this context, Mr. Djerad called on workers and public authorities to work “side by side” to maintain the national system of social protection of employees and retirees, facing a serious financial crisis, through innovative solutions to even to guarantee its sustainability and its adaptation to new conditions in the labor market and the economy.

Pleading, moreover, for the treatment of all questions related to the world of work within the framework of dialogue, he underlined that this is the optimal way to find solutions to the concerns raised, in order to bring together a favorable and adequate climate. the achievement of the objectives of socio-economic development.

At the end of his speech, the Prime Minister wished to greet with respect all the Algerians who helped the country to overcome all the difficulties and crises that almost undermined the foundations of the national state and its achievements , notably the recovery of sovereignty over national wealth.

The Prime Minister called on to ensure firmly the strengthening of national unity in the face of current and future challenges, with the aim of building a new Algeria, in accordance with the path laid down by the President of the Republic to guarantee a decent life for all citizens and preserve the rights of workers and retirees. (APS)


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