SolarPower Summit postponed due to COVID-19

It is with regret that we have decided to postpone the SolarPower Summit to the 29 September 2020, due to the health concerns arising from the spread of the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19). 

As conference organisers, the health and safety of our attendees, employees and partners are of paramount importance. We believe it is in the best interest of all participants to postpone the event until September.

This is not a decision that SolarPower Europe took lightly. We have worked hard during the last 16 years to make of the SolarPower Summit one of the most important energy events in Brussels.

With the new date the quality of the event will remain the same, with insightful sessions delivered by C-level industry representatives and high-level policy makers. The conference will still be hosted at AREA 42 in Brussels, a spectacular venue designed by a team of contemporary artists.

We would like to thank participants, speakers, sponsors and partners for your support and understanding in these difficult unpredictable circumstances.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Charlotte Otten or anyone from the SolarPower Europe team.

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