Kenya Shortlists 5 Bidders for Okaria VI

KenGen, or Kenya Electricity Generating Company PLC, is in fast forward mode to set up the first phase of its Olkaria VI 140-MW geothermal power plant in Naivasha, having recently shortlisted five bidders for the project.

Ormat Technologies Inc, ITOCHU Corporation, Sumitomo Corporation, Enel Green Power and a consortium of Engie Energie Services, Toyota Tsusho Corporation, Kyuden International Corporation and DL Koisagat Tea Estate were shortlisted as qualified bidders on May 8.

The Olkaria VI geothermal project will fall under the BOOT model (build, own, operate and transfer). The winning party will enter into a joint venture with KenGen and will finance, construct, own and operate the power plant and the associated facilities and transfer the Project back to KenGen at the end of the operational term. This will be the first Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Project to be developed by KenGen under the PPP Act 2013 and the PPP Regulations 2014.

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