Sahara Solar Project Could Heat Up Job Market

Plans to generate energy via solar power from the Sahara could create 240,000 jobs for Germans and generate €2 trillion worth of power by 2050, according to a German survey.


The report by Germany’s Wuppertal Institute for Climate for Greenpeace and the Club of Rome also said more than 580,000 jobs in concentrated solar power (CSP) could be created worldwide by the middle of the century with the right political framework.


"Renewable energy could become Germany’s leading industry in the 21st century," Greenpeace energy expert Andree Boehling told a news conference. "And concentrated solar power could become Germany’s next export hit after photovoltaic and wind energy."


German reinsurer Munich Re announced two weeks ago (Sahara Solar Parks On Tap) it had invited firms including Deutsche Bank, Siemens and utilities E.ON and RWE to a July 13 meeting to agree on a joint project that could supply 15% of Europe’s electricity.

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