Zambia’s 33-MW Riverside Solar PV Plant Commissioned

The 33-MW Riverside Solar PV Plant in Zambia was recently commissioned by Copperbelt Energy Corporation (CEC). President Hakainde Hichilema was in attendance at the inauguration of the $22 million solar project.

Quick Facts

    • 61,300 solar modules
    • 150 inverters
    • 6 transformer stations
    • 4 km of transmission line


The newly expanded Riverside photovoltaic facility is powered by over 61,000 panels across 33 hectares in the Kitwe district of the Copperbelt province.

CEC states that at 54.9 GWh, the facility’s average annual power yield will be enough to supply 10,000 households at a consumption rate averaging 15 units per day. Further, CEC estimates an annual carbon output savings of 51 kilotons.

London Mwafulilwa, CEC chairman of the board, commented at the inauguration, “In 2018, we developed our pilot solar PV plant, which came with many other intentions and benefits, including learning for our staff and students at Copperbelt University. Despite its size, it became the first grid-connected solar plant in Zambia. Today, we have grown it from 1 MWp to 34 MWp, having gleaned so much knowledge and expertise in solar plant development and management.”

The company has a target to grow its share of renewable energy resources to 300 MW over the next four years. It currently sits at 200 MW. CEC further states that 64 MW is planned for the Itimpi facility in Kitwe which is expected to come online by the end of 2023. Further, the company intends to develop 138 MW of wind generation capacity with its partner Upepo Zambia.

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