APA Corp. Joins UN Environment Program’s Oil and Gas Methane Partnership 2.0

APA Corporation, formerly Apache Corp., announced that the company has joined the Oil and Gas Methane Partnership 2.0 (OGMP 2.0), the United Nations’ Environment Program’s flagship oil and gas reporting and mitigation program. OGMP 2.0 engages with oil and gas companies on methane emissions reduction and helps improve the accuracy and transparency of methane emissions reporting. It is the only comprehensive, measurement-based international reporting framework for the sector.

“APA is contributing to a cleaner, more abundant energy future. We accomplish this by both supporting and engaging in efforts to reduce methane emissions across the entire oil and gas industry,” said APA president and CEO John J. Christmann IV. “Over the past five years, we have made meaningful progress toward reducing methane emissions across our global operations and look forward to working with the partnership as we continue to responsibly produce oil and gas.”

Reducing methane emissions is a fundamental component of APA’s strategy. In 2022, the company engaged with GHD, a third-party emissions verification firm, to better analyze and utilize emissions data to inform and improve future reduction efforts. Joining OGMP 2.0 is an important next step in the company’s holistic approach to methane emissions reduction.

“We are delighted that APA is taking action to reduce methane emissions by joining OGMP 2.0,” said Giulia Ferrini, OGMP 2.0 Project Manager, UNEP. “Oil and gas companies must be part of the methane solution if we are to keep global warming to 1.5°C.”

APA has taken significant steps toward reducing emissions across global operations, including the elimination of routine flaring in U.S. onshore operations in 2021 and reducing upstream routine flaring in Egypt by 40% in 2022. The company also set a goal to eliminate 1 million tonnes of global carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions from its operations by year-end 2024 compared to year-end 2021. In 2023, one of APA’s goals is to convert more than 2,000 pneumatic devices in U.S. operations by year-end with new, cleaner technology.

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