Skeptics Voice Concern over South Africa’s RE Policy Goals

South Africa is a leader in the renewable energy race for the African continent, yet some industry experts remain cynical as to whether the country can reach its target of using at least a 4% renewable energy mix to meet its electricity needs by 2013.


“A deep cynicism exists about the government commitment to renewable energy,” explained World Wide Fund for Nature living planet division head Saliem Fakir.


Clean energy division chief director David Mahuma said, “As of last year, we didn’t have anything to encourage renewable energy generation. We need more meaning and application of the legislation. It has put a foundation from which the whole renewable energy sector can leap frog.”

The Department of Environmental Affairs said that the country is currently producing less than 1% of the renewable energy target even as the National Energy Regulator for South Africa (Nersa) introduced the renewable energy feed-in tariff (Refit) in March to encourage private investment. So far, there is no project under the Refit as power purchasing agreements are still trying to be finalized.

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