GOGLA Launches Handbook for Policymakers Aiming to Scale the Productive Use of Renewable Energy

GOGLA is presenting its Handbook for Governments and Development Partners, Powering Lives and Livelihoods: Scaling Productive Uses of Renewable Energy (PURE) today at an event in Kampala, where together with the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development (MEMD) of Uganda, the Uganda Solar Energy Association, CREEC, and sector partners, GOGLA will also launch the Uganda Productive Use of Solar Energy Roadmap.

PURE products and services, such as solar-powered irrigation, cooling, agricultural equipment, e-mobility and e-cooking can modernize agriculture, power health facilities, drive green growth and create millions of jobs. They are particularly designed to reach people who are currently hampered by energy poverty, many of whom are extremely vulnerable to climate change. The Handbook is a first-of-its-kind document which details the building blocks needed to develop mature and sustainable PURE markets and proposes specific actions for governments and development partners to accelerate the impact of PURE.

Establishing the building blocks needed to accelerate PURE

With over 70 publications reviewed, 50 interviews with key stakeholders and the collaboration of organizations working within the PURE industry [Efficiency for Access coalition, World Bank / ESMAP and EnDev (SNV)], the Handbook highlights the most impactful actions to advance renewable energy technologies that can generate or increase income for their users:

Supportive policies and regulations that integrate PURE into national electrification plans, drive stakeholder engagement, catalyze partnerships, and establish quality standards.

Tailored public and private funding and investment that can support companies’ growth and provide appropriate consumer financing.

Targeted activities to expand technology adoption, raising awareness and aggregating purchasing power or improving income to address the affordability barrier.

Capacity building like mentoring and technical assistance for PURE companies to improve business performance.

Critical elements to build sustainable markets and a responsible industry such as inclusivity and customer protection.

The Handbook has been developed by GOGLA, the global association for the off-grid solar energy industry, with the financial support of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the European Union (EU), through the international initiative Water and Energy for Food (WE4F).

Enhancing productive use of renewable energy, country by country

The Uganda Roadmap formally adopted and presented today in Kampala by the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development, Ms Irene Bateebe, on behalf of the Ugandan Government, will set the path for accelerating the adoption of PURE in the country. It lays out clear actions designed to drive the mechanization of agriculture, enhance enterprise and unlock green jobs. The Government’s endorsement and ownership of the Roadmap exemplifies the high level of political support for PURE, and recognizes its potential to rapidly advance green growth and opportunity.

Roadmaps will also be adopted or explored throughout July by the Governments of Ethiopia, Kenya and Rwanda.

“We have partnered with GOGLA and Water and Energy for Food, to develop this Roadmap that will contribute to our goal of access to clean energy, higher food security, powering small enterprises, and boosting income among hard-to-reach populations,” stated Dr. Brian E. Isabirye, Commissioner- Renewable Energy, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development, Uganda.

“The PURE Handbook is a testament to the collective effort of experts, researchers, policymakers, and practitioners who have contributed their knowledge and insights to this publication. It is my sincere hope that this handbook will inspire and inform governments, development partners, and all stakeholders involved in the pursuit of sustainable energy solutions,” commented Dirk Pauschert, Head of Project, GIZ Water and Energy for Food (WE4F).

“We think scaling up the deployment of PURE is critical for achieving energy, food, and water security, driving economic development, improving health services and adapting to climate change and we call upon public sector institutions and agencies responsible for energy, agriculture, water, health and environment across sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, and the development partners engaged in supporting them, to recognize the relevance of the off-grid solar industry to realizing their goals,” stated Patrick K. Tonui, Head of Policy and Regional Strategy, GOGLA.

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