Two New Solar Facilities Online in Botswana

The 1MW Shakawe and 3MW Bobonong solar plants in Botswana have achieved commercial operations under power purchase agreements reached on October 12, 2023 between independent power producer Sturdee Energy and Botswana Power Corporation.

These projects are the first renewable energy independent power projects in Botswana and represent a major milestone in the country’s renewable energy journey and will result in the reduction of the country’s carbon emissions and a reduction in ts reliance on fossil fuel generated electricity.

Total project cost for the facilities is estimated at $5 million. responsAbility Investments in August 2022 agreed to provide long-term debt financing to these first grid-connected solar PV projects in Botswana, through one of its climate funds.

Sturdee was awarded the solar project under a competitive tender in 2020. German firm Soventix was contracted to install the components including inverters and panels, inverters and other equipment for the solar power plant. All offtake is purchase by Botswana Power Corporation.

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