Nersa Gets Approval for Refit Amendments

The National Energy Regulator of South Africa (Nersa) released its renewable energy feed-in tariff (Refit) amendments with the support of organizations like the South African Wind Energy Association (SAWEA), the South African Photovoltaic Association (SAPVIA), and the Southern Africa Solar Thermal and Electricity Association (SASTELA) despite earlier complaints. The organizations released a statement that said, ”We confirm our support for a periodic review of the REFIT prices in order to ensure that the returns for investors stay at the determined benchmark given changing market conditions.”


At the end of June, the organizations issued a statement declaring that Nersa’s Refit pricing was unlawful and questioned the regulator’s authority to set fixed tariffs. And although supportive of the changes, the groups did issue a warning message: “We caution that the final decision on the procurement process, and the way in which it is structured, may have a profound impact on the country’s ability to generate Certified Emissions Reductions under the Kyoto Protocol, and we pledge our expertise in assisting with this matter.”


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