Nigerian Minister of Environment Kick Starts Earth Friendly Campaign


Mrs. Halima Tayo Alao, Nigeria’s Minister of Environment, Housing and Urban Development, called for large scale tree planting and environment-friendly energy measures, during the National Climate Change Awareness campaign. The Special Climate Change Unit organized the event in order to represent Nigeria’s commitment to reduce global warming.


Minister Alao explained how cutting down trees and increased use of fossil fuels has negated the earth’s natural process of eliminating harmful greenhouse gases. “Greenhouse gases are now being generated by the burning of fossil fuels to run cars and factories, heat building and keep industries running,” stated Alao.

The use of household appliances that emit less carbon dioxide and the purchase of fuel-efficient vehicles were just a few solutions detailed by the minister. She urged all Nigerians to do their part during the campaign. The minister also stated that, “Africa though contributes 3% to global emission yet, the continent suffers the attendant consequences of global climate change in same measure as Europe, Asia and America.”

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