Energy Consumption Adjustment Tool for Industrial Giants

The EnR-Pool project, launched by Schneider Electric, Energy Pool, and the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission to help industrial consumers adjust their energy consumption to help solve problems related to the integration of intermittent renewables on the electrical network.


The project will develop solutions and business models designed to leverage load shedding and demand response mechanisms. Ultimately, the principle of demand management developed by EnR-Pool is to reduce or shift consumption when the wind drops and/or the sun is hidden, and vice versa to stimulate consumption when production is high and demand is low. Maintaining this balance of the network would therefore facilitate lower energy costs.


Olivier Baud, CEO and Founder of Energy Pool, said: “The uncertainty in the production of renewable energy may conflict with the needs of consumers and can cause difficulties in managing electrical systems. However, wind and solar energies are intermittent and variable, but predictable. The EnR-Pool project aims to provide solutions to strike a balance between production and electricity consumption, based on the active participation of consumers.”


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