Repsol leads the world energy industry in carbon management according to the 2012 Climate Disclosure Leadership Index (CDLI), made up of the 50 best companies worldwide in terms of communication and transparency in relation to climate change.
Repsol, which appears in the index for the third time in five years, is the oil and gas company most often included in the CDLI since 2006. The CDLI is drawn up annually from the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) questionnaire completed by companies which make up the FTSE Global Equity Index Series (Global 500).
Repsol’s initiatives on energy efficiency and carbon management have successfully passed the rigorous analysis of companies’ carbon strategy, its management of risks and opportunities related to climate change, investment in new technology designed to reduce emissions and an increase in energy efficiency. The company’s greenhouse gas emissions inventory and reduction targets were also analysed.
This recognition again demonstrates Repsol’s commitment to protecting the environment, which has won the company recognition as the world’s most sustainable oil and gas company by the Dow Jones sustainability index, obtaining the highest rating for its climate change strategy.
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