Tunisia, an Energy Saving Example?

The company celebrated its 35th anniversary in the Arab Spring catalyst country and touted that Tunisia had reduced its energy consumption by 30%. "Tunisia has set an example in Africa in matters of energy saving," said Mr. Jean-Mark Darboux, Chairman of Schneider Electric, the world leader in energy management. Tunisia has succeeded in having 99.5% access to reliable energy. He added, “Through the 2010-2016 Solar Plan, Tunisia has made huge strides in energy production.”


Linsey Dyer wrote an article, previously mentioned on Alternative Energy Africa, which said one of the main reasons the North African country had been successful in its electrification efforts was everyone paid something based on economic means. The consumer paid the first tranche paid based on socioeconomic information and validation through local government structure. The utility covered the next tranche and the country, through various programs, covered the remainder. Dyer added: “I should emphasize here that Tunisia’s rural poor were really poor, and that the poorest of those poor paid little more than a token amount, with the rest picked up by cross-subsidization – but the point is that in the tariff build-up, their contribution was first.”


Suggested Reading:

Tunisia’s Electrification Program: A Successful African Model


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