Offshore Wind Policy Graduate Student Fellowship Available

The University of Delaware’s College of Marine and Earth Studies (CMES) is offering a research assistantship for a qualified student-applicant interested in policy-focused research related to offshore wind power.


The DE-NOAA Sea Grant funded research will examine if public opinion has changed over time in Delaware and Cape Cod, Massachusetts toward offshore wind power. Fellowship funds include a tuition waiver and stipend totaling $23,000 for Ph.D students, less for master’s, for a minimum of one year.


Fall 2009 applications must be received no later than March 1, 2009, although early submittal is recommended. For more information about the Marine Policy Program, visit or contact Professor Jeremy Firestone, College of Marine and Earth Studies, Robinson Hall, University of Delaware, Neward, DE 19716, tel: 302.831.0228, email:

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