World Bank to Finance ECOWAS Electrification Project

The World Bank will finance a regional off-grid electrification project in West Africa. The project, estimated at a cost of $200 million, is being initiated by the Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency of ECOWAS.
The project aims to promote an autonomous solar energy production system and to facilitate access to electricity services for all.
Scheduled to last four years, it will deploy, outside Cédeao,in four countries: Mauritania, Chad, Cameroon and the Central African Republic.
To do this, "the World Bank will evaluate the market potential in this area, stratify the need for electrical energy at the level of each household, the level of consumption, know the purchasing power of the beneficiary populations. Once this work is done, the private sector will be involved in providing electricity to the people,"says an expert from the Bretton Woods institution.
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