Burkina Faso Plans More Solar Plants

Burkina Faso aims to install eight additional solar PV plants, with a total capacity of 100 MW, to be distributed in seven of its regions. This announcement was made by Alpha OumarDissa, the Burkinabe Minister of Energy.

Two of these plants, with capacities of 10 and 20 MW, will be located in the Central region. The Sahel will host an infrastructure of 15 MW and the Eastern region a 10 MW plant. The Boucle du Mouhoun, meanwhile, will house a 15 MW power plant, while the plant located in the Hauts-Bassins will produce 10 MW. The Northern and Cascades regions will each house a 10 MW photovoltaic power plant.

The establishment of these plants is an extension of the process of diversification of the Burkinabé energy mix, which has already led to the construction of the Zagtouli photovoltaic plant, with a capacity of 33 MW, the largest in Africa.

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