Clarke Energy Order for Jenbacher Engines First in East Africa

Alaf, part of the Safal Group, selected Clarke Energy to supply a natural gas-fueled captive power plant to support their manufacturing facility in Dar es Salaam. For Clarke this is the sale of the first of GE’s containerized 6-series engines in East Africa.

Alaf selected Clarke Energy to supply two of GE’s 612 Jenbacher gas engines, each capable of producing a total of 2 MW of electrical power at 415V for local consumption. Switching from diesel-based power generation to gas, means significant operational costs and carbon savings for Alaf’s factory.

The recent addition of new gas pipelines which run domestically-produced natural gas from the south of Tanzania up to the main commercial city Dar es Salaam means gas is available for industrial facilities to use for self-generation of electricity.

Clarke Energy’s Managing Director in Africa, Alan Fletcher commented “Alaf’s decision to opt for gas-based power generation demonstrates the growing acceptance of gas engines for reliable self-generation of electricity for factories in Tanzania. This new project for Clarke Energy in Tanzania shows the success of gas-fuelled power generation in the country. The project will help reduce factory’s operational costs and in parallel deliver reliable supplies of power.”

Ashutosh Charan General Manager – Coil at Alaf, commented “we selected Clarke Energy to supply us with GE’s Jenacher gas engines at the Alaf roofing manufacturing facility in Dar es Salaam, due to their established local service support capability, the electrical efficiency of GE’s Jenbacher gas engine and their global reputation.”

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