WSP Appointed by SAPP for Zambia/DRC Transmission Link

WSP has been appointed by the Southern African Power Pool (SAPP) to develop a proposed 330 kV interconnector between Zambia and the DRC. The project has received financial backing from the AfDB, the World Bank and the AREP program.

A strong transmission link will help the DRC and Zambia to improve the security and reliability of the power networks and to foster economic development and regional integration. The project also aims to support the development of an efficient and competitive regional power market to reduce electricity prices in the region.

 The 330 kV transmission line will connect Kolwezi in DRC to the district of Solwezi in Zambia, through the Zambia Electricity Supply Corporation (ZESCO) network at Lumwana or Kalumbila Substation and the future Société Nationaled’Electricité (SNEL) network at Kolwezi NRO substation.

 A team of engineers will undertake a three-stage feasibility study to develop options and recommend a preferred solution for the interconnector. Work provided includes initial assessment of the routes and substations, data gathering, financial and economic analysis, detailed route surveys and detailed design and specifications.

All three phases will be completed within an 18-month program of works finalising in 2019.

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