Karpower to Supply 30 MW to Gambia

Gambia’s National Water and Electricity Company (NAWEC) signed an agreement with power utility Karpower to supply 30 MW of electricity over two years. Baba Fatajo, the executive director of NAWEC, said the work of setting up the facilities to supply the power is set to start soon.

This option was chosen by the government to deal with the current deficit in electricity supply. The ultimate goal is to enable an optimal supply of energy while giving time to the national electric company for the rehabilitation, maintenance and repair of its facilities.

The manager also explained that NAWEC, which is showing a negative result, is currently facing problems due to a lack of resources to make the investments needed for the network. He invited consumers to pay their bills to help redress this situation.

The country currently has an installed capacity of 114 MW for an electrification rate of 36%.

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