RE Industry Represented 9M Jobs for US

The renewable energy and energy efficiency (RE&EE) industries in the US represented more than nine million jobs and generated over $1 billion in revenue in 2007, according to the American Solar Energy Society’s “Green Collar Jobs” report.


The report said that the renewable energy industry grew three times as fast as the US economy, with the solar thermal, photovoltaic, biodiesel, and ethanol sectors leading the way, each with more than 25% annual revenue growth.


Key steps include a national renewable portfolio standard, long-term extension of the production tax credit, effective net-metering policies, and improved access to electric transmission infrastructure.


According to the advanced scenario in the report, which represents the upper limit of what is technologically and economically feasible, RE&EE would generate about 37 million jobs and $4.29 billion in annual revenue by 2030, which is one of three forecast scenarios highlighted in this report.


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