Algeria to Build Solar Plant

Algeria, in an attempt to diversify sources for its power generation, plans to build a plant to manufacture solar panels. The government would like to draw 5% of its electricity from renewable sources by 2015.

Algeria’s state-owned utility Sonelgaz will invest $100 million in the plant and will launch a bidding round for contractors by the end of this year, Algeria’s official news agency APS quoted Sonelgaz’ CEO Noureddine Bouterfa as saying.

The plant is scheduled to open in 2012 and will produce photovoltaic cells with a generating capacity of 50 MW.

A consortium of 12 companies including Siemens, E.ON, and Deutsche Bank is planning a $597.3 billion project, known as Desertec, to generate solar power in North Africa and export it to Europe, however, Algerian Energy Minister Chakib Khelil said earlier in the year that the government did not want foreign companies exploiting solar energy from its deserts.


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