Alternative Energy Africa Update for our Loyal Subscribers and Readers

During this difficult time most industries are facing hardships in the wake of plummeting oil prices and the spread of the Corona Virus, and many operations are grinding to a halt. As such, operational updates and all the exciting news we have come to expect out of the African renewable energy sector is limited.

Until there is some recovery, especially on the Covid-19 pandemic, we will continue to provide updates on the industry however, much of the news will likely be geared toward keeping you informed of the on-the-ground situations in African nations as they work to overcome the challenges they are faced with as a result of these two unfortunate issues. 

Be sure to scroll down to the News Headlines section each day for the latest updates or f you need to catch up on a few days.

If your company or team have something to report about on-the-ground realities, please write us at

Stay some, stay safe and keep connected with Alternative Energy Africa!

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