AVEVA Launches First Mobile App for Plant Design Review

AVEVA Everything3D (AVEVA E3D) Insight is now commercially available for project decision makers in the power, process plant and mining industries. AVEVA’s Windows 8.1 app enables mobile users to comment and approve AVEVA E3D designs from a tablet device.

The product was developed in collaboration with Microsoft, maximizing project efficiency by providing authorized users with secure, direct access to the live AVEVA E3D design model, regardless of their location, 24 hours a day.

The product allows users to tackle four main components. Users can quickly see the model and its associated information (visualize) while also inspecting, manipulating, and measuring the model to check for potential critical issues (inspect). Customers may also liaise directly with the project’s design team and leave a permanent record of feedback in the AVEVA E3D database. Key decisions are recorded without users being forced to collate multiple comments (comment). And lastly, authorized users can set model status to pre-configured approval levels (approve).

Even before its full commercial release, AVEVA E3D Insight had already scooped the coveted UK tech award Tech Innovation of the Year, against strong competition from many of the UK’s leading technology companies.

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