Battery storage specialist presents the most powerful mobile fast charging solution

The Mobile High Power Charger is the world’s most powerful mobile fast charging system in the form of a truck trailer. Ten e-vehicles can charge up to 320 kilowatts each in a few minutes at the two megawatt-hour HPC charging trucks. The trucks have a total capacity of 3.2 megawatts when all charging points are charging simultaneously at full power. This corresponds to the average output of about 3,200 single-family homes. Considering the availability of grid connections, which are often only limited, it is a unique opportunity to provide high charging capacities for a limited period of time and in a flexible location.

Fast charging system successfully in use

The innovative quick-charging trailers were put into operation at the end of 2019 on the race track in Barcelona. Just one year from the idea to the successful implementation of the project is a remarkable acheivement. Thomas Speidel, managing partner of ADS-TEC is very pleased and emphasises the outstanding performance of his team: “It was already an extraordinary and enormous challenge to accommodate this energy and power on a standard truck format while maintaining the permissible gross vehicle weight.”

The mobile fast charging system is currently in use at various events throughout Europe. The compact and extremely flexible concept enables quick assembly and disassembly directly at the place of use. The truck and trailer unit have been optimised to ensure transportation can be carried out without heavy loads and in compliance with the 40-tonne total weight regulation.

PV magazine award 2020

The presentation of the pv magazine Award is ads-tec Energy GmbH’s second highlight in spring 2020. This year, five first places have been awarded the “Gigawatt Winner”. The successful project “Schwarmspeicher Allgäu”, set in the spectacular backdrop of the Alps in the Kempten area, put egrid and ADS-TEC Energy at the forefront as project partners. “Thanks to close cooperation with ADS-TEC, we were able to set up the distributed storage system in a very short time and successfully put it into operation,” says egrid managing director Bernhard Rindt.

As project manager, egrid applications and consulting GmbH, developed a method of arranging distributed medium-sized storage systems, each with several hundred kilowatt hours of capacity and power, within a distribution network and operating them as a swarm or individually as required in order to be able to offer a wide range of network services. The complex multiple use is particularly economically interesting for customers like Allgäuer Überlandwerk in this case.

ADS-TEC – Technology for Professionals – 100% Made in Germany

ADS-TEC Energy GmbH is a company of ADS-TEC group, and is part-owned by BOSCH. The medium-sized, family-run business is headquartered in Nuertingen near Stuttgart, with a production site near Dresden.

ADS-TEC Energy GmbH is drawing on its decades of experience with lithium-ion technologies to produce battery storage solutions and fast charging systems, including the corresponding energy management systems. The technology can be used in private homes, public buildings and commercial enterprises, with solutions starting at a storage capacity of 19 kilowatt-hours. The scalable battery storage systems enable industrial and infrastructure solutions as well as self-sufficient energy supply systems with capacities of up to several megawatts. Its new fast charging technology for electric vehicles is truly ground-breaking, and features a unique compact design.

An exceptional high integration depth enables high quality and functionality of the produced battery technology. Apart from the cells, all our components are developed and produced in-house.

The CEO of ADS-TEC Holding GmbH, Thomas Speidel, is also Managing Director of ADS-TEC Energy GmbH and President of the German Energy Storage Association (BVES) e.V., based in Berlin. Through its involvement in government-funded projects across Germany at both national and regional level, ADS-TEC maintains close relations with companies and research institutions throughout the entire value chain.

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