Bboxx Launches Multi-Million Dollar Pan-African Carbon Credit Program

Bboxx has been awarded Gold Standard certification for its clean energy projects in five African countries, marking a significant step in the fight against climate change and energy poverty as well as accelerating market growth potential.

Bboxx is a data-driven super platform, transforming lives and unlocking potential by connecting consumers and deploying innovative products across Africa, as well as building the resilience of communities.

The certification is novel because it covers a diverse portfolio of clean energy solutions, including solar home systems, PAYGO clean cooking solutions, and solar-powered water pumps. The projects have already delivered substantial emissions reductions and are each expected to generate up to 60,000 carbon credits annually, offering a scalable model for sustainable development.

The program covers Bboxx’s operations in multiple African countries including Rwanda, Kenya, Nigeria, Togo, and the DRC. In total, the projects are expected to offset more than 20 million tons of carbon emissions, generating USD$100 million worth of carbon credits and impacting the lives of over 4 million Bboxx customers.

The Gold Standard is a voluntary carbon offset program focused on progressing the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and ensuring that projects benefit their neighboring communities. The Gold Standard is applied to voluntary offset projects with a focus on projects that provide lasting social, economic, and environmental benefits.

Anthony Osijo, Chief Executive Officer of Bboxx, said: “Bboxx is leading the way in the delivering a range of clean energy solutions. It is our mission to accelerate clean energy access and adoption and, as well as products and services, the deployment of carbon credits will enable more capital to flow into this crucial part of the energy transition in Africa.

“This Gold Standard certification solidifies Bboxx’s position as a leader in decentralized clean energy, showcasing the company’s dedication to innovation, social impact, and environmental stewardship as well as meeting and surpassing the rapidly evolving expectations of our consumers.

“It’s our responsibility to commit to scalability and ensure we’re providing more people with access to innovative solutions which will build the resilience of communities on top of being a significant market opportunity.”

Bboxx’s clean cooking program enables families to access safer cooking fuels while paying for only the energy they use. Investing in this carbon off-setting program will create annual credits by replacing traditional cookstoves with efficient LPG stoves.

Bboxx’s Solar Home Systems will also create additional carbon credits each year. Solar Home Systems revolutionize the lives of families and small businesses located in remote and peri-urban areas in Africa. These systems allow more people to access renewable energy that can be used to power their homes and charge electronic devices, and businesses also benefit from these Solar Home Systems as they enable them to carry out tasks beyond daylight hours.

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