Benin Plans New Power Plants

Benin expects to increase its power generation capacity by 600 MW by 2021, through the construction of four thermal power stations. Three of power stations will have a capacity of 120 MW each and the fourth will generate 20 MW of power.

The construction of these power generating units will take place under the BOOT (build, operate, own and transfer) model.

There is also another project planned to build a 120-MW thermal power plant, that is more advanced in its implementation. Its financing has already been mobilized, mainly through the Islamic Development Bank. Construction of this infrastructure is expected to be completed by 2018.

The second compact Millennium Challenge Account will allow the construction of an additional 100 MW of biomass and solar power plants. These plants are expected to be delivered by 2019. Benin, which has a demand of 1,500 MW during peak hours, currently produces 200 MW.


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