Building Energy Signs for Wind and Hydro

Building Energy signed PPAs with South African utility, Eskom, to build, own, and operate a 147 MW wind plant in Roggeveld and a 4.7 MW mini hydroelectric plant in Free State.

The company had been awarded preferred bidder status under Round 4 of the South African Department of Energy Renewable Independent Power Producer Procurement (REIPPP) Program for the wind and hydro projects in April 2015. These agreements, signed on April 4, will be the official start for the construction of the wind farm and the small hydroelectric plant.

The overall investment in the construction of the two plants amounts to €324 million.

The Roggeveld wind farm will generate around 613 GWh per year. Construction work is scheduled to begin in 2018 and the commercial operation date is foreseen to be in April 2021.

The Kruisvallei small-hydroelectric plant will generate around 28 GWh of energy.

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