Cabo Verde Announces Public Tender for Charging Stations for Electric Vehicles

The Government of Cabo Verde, through the National Directorate for Industry, Commerce and Energy (known by its Portuguese acronym DNICE), has launched the International Public Tender for the selection of a concessionaire for the installation and operation of 40 public charging stations for electric vehicles under a B.O.O.T (Build, Own, Operate and Transfer) model.

The Tender will receive financial support from the project Promotion of Electric Mobility in Cabo Verde (known by its Portuguese acronym ProMEC).

One of the components of ProMEC is the setup of a public charging network. In this regard, the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Energy (MICE) in cooperation with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and with financial support from the NAMA Facility, intends to establish a national charging infrastructure with, at least, 40 public charging stations for electric vehicles, under a public-private partnership (PPP).

The full Request for Expression of Interest is available in Portuguese at the following link: 



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