COMING SOON: New Solar Mobile Charger in Africa

With Africa leading the way as the highest mobile usage of any continent, more companies are seeking ways to develop off-grid solutions for mobiles. Australian firm illumination creates innovative, low-cost renewable energy devices to help alleviate energy poverty.


The organization’s website has announced that it was developing a charger that is low-cost and high quality ending with, “We’re very excited about it and it’s not too far off!” illumination said that according to its clients, many have walked long distances two to three times a week to charge their phone at a remote diesel-powered charging station to pay around $0.50 – which is about half of the daily income of a sub-Saharan African.


illumination said in regards to developing its new solar mobile charger, “It will enable our customers to charge their phone with renewable energy and therefore eliminate the need for them to spend their time and money at the diesel charging stations. This product will fit perfectly in our range as it will help to improve our customers’ economic conditions while also reducing greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere.”


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