Creating Solar Opportunities for Togo

Togo has recently acquired a solar electric system on the roof of a microcredit institution via nonprofit organization SunPower Afrique. Backed by local workers, the organization hopes to provide reliable and renewable energy to West African microfinance institutions.


The installation, inaugurated on July 1, provides solar generated power to run computers, lights, and fans. In an effort to support existing microfinance structures and create jobs in a new industry of solar system sales, distribution and installation, SunPower Afrique shipped about 30 solar panels, inverters, batteries and other equipment from Collegeville to Togo a couple of months ago.


Kira Costanza, SunPower Afrique founder, created the organization believing that microfinance was one of the most effective ways to fight poverty, but it is constrained by the “lack of consistent access to electricity.” “(Togo) has one of the largest needs in the region for international assistance,” Constanza said. “They produce zero electricity domestically — except for a couple of small hydro plants.”

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