DPA and CTTZ Partner Up in Zimbabwe

Distributed Power Africa (DPA) and Community Technology Trust in Zimbabwe (CTTZ) entered into a partnership aimed at empowering rural communities through provision of solar power energy to boost their small businesses. The partnership should see small-farm holders and other small to medium enterprises enhance productivity through efficient use of solar energy. 

DPA is an African renewable energy solutions provider that enables businesses and individuals to have access to affordable and efficient energy at a lower cost. CTTZ implements sustainable development programs targeting health, bio-diversity conservation, community income generating activities, crop production and food security.

The projects are being implemented in nine of the country’s districts covering Mutoko, Mudzi, Rushinga, Murehwa, Goromonzi, Chegutu and Uzumba-Maramba-Pfungwe. The partnership would also help mitigate effects of climate change, which is a threat to agriculture, especially those held by small farmers who rely on rain-fed agriculture. Successful implementation of the program should also reduce dependency on coal-generated and hydro-electric power.

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