Egypt Tags Belectric for Zafarana PV

German company Belectric has been selected by Egypt’s New and Renewable Energy Authority (NREA) to develop the Zafarana solar photovoltaic project. It will supply 50 MWp to the national grid in Egypt.

Several companies had been shortlisted for the construction of the future Zafaran solar photovoltaic power plant in the Gulf of Suez in north-eastern Egypt. These included Nari Solar Energy Technology Co, a Chinese company, and Vikram Solar, a company based in Calcutta, India. The German company, Belectric Solar & Battery, was finally chosen by the New and Renewable Energy Authority (NREA) to implement the plant.

Egyptian authorities state that negotiations are still ongoing with Belectric concerning the construction of an electricity switchyard in the project area. An agreement between Belectric and the NREA is reportedly under negotiation.

The Egyptian government estimates that the project will provide 90 million kW/h of electricity (per year) while avoiding the emission of 50,000 tons of CO² per year. 

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