Ethiopia’s Largest Hydrodam Online

As part of its interconnection scheme, Ethiopia announced the Gibe II project has commenced operation after receiving financial backing from Italy. The country’s largest hydrodam to date, costing about €281 million, is one step further in completing Ethiopia’s plan to become the first African country to export its renewable energy (Ethiopia Seeks to become Africa’s 1st Renewable Energy Exporter).


The Gilegel Gibe II dam lies on the river Omo 250 km south of Addis Ababa, and can produce 420 MW of electricity. The Italian government provided €220 million for the dam in the form of a loan and the building work was carried out by Italian firm Salini Construction.


However, Ethiopia and Kenya will have to reach into their own pockets to complete the interconnection project as Alternative Energy Africa reported on December 23 (Ethiopia and Kenya Reach into Own Pockets for Co-Power).


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