GEI Global Energy Corp., after 18 months of development with our world-wide partners, will "light-up" Tanzania. To achieve its goal the company is looking for a partnership with an established international solar company for a suite of 15 MW-45 MW worth of projects with the government of Tanzania.
During the 2015 U.N. climate change talks in Paris, the African Development Bank, stated: "Africa is simply tired of being in the dark." The bank will leverage internal funds and also will work with other power initiatives on the continent such as the $7-billion plan by "Power Africa," projects by the European Union, Britain and others to raise their levels of investments in the energy sector.
GEI GLOBAL and its partners have a bold vision for electrifying a continent where 24% of the country’s population has access to electricity and only 11% in rural areas, and getting there by skipping carbon-intensive growth in favor of renewable energy.
Working collaboratively with the Tanzania Rural Energy Corporation (TREC), Transcend Enterprises Ltd., and the non-profit organization known as the Africa Community Advancement Initiative, GEI Global Energy Corp. seeks a global-minded solar energy partner to provide one component of a large bold initiative that will resolve a primary challenge that has restricted access to affordable plentiful energy for decades. As a merger of technologies, the 360° Energy Deployment and Economic Development solution presented by the TREC and its partners have solved the primary set of constraints to improving the economic viability for a people, and provides a strategy to ensure a sustainable energy solution from one generation to the next.