Kenya to Beat Out US Geothermal

A new report shows Kenya making great gains in its geothermal sector. According to the Geothermal Energy Association, Kenya is set to place its stake in the geothermal realm as a leader with about 1 GW of geothermal energy currently underway.


The report said that Kenya was one of the fastest growing geothermal markets in the world with the government moving a substantial amount of resources into building its geothermal infrastructure and the support is paying dividends. The statement said, “If all projects are completed on time Kenya will lead the world with substantial additions to their geothermal infrastructure over the next decade and become a center of geothermal technology on the African continent.”


Counties such as Uganda, France, Tanzania, Chile, and Rwanda have geothermal projects under construction or in the latter stages of development and will have their first operational geothermal power plants within the next few years.

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