Kenya’s Fast-Track to a Green Economy

Kenya has instituted a three-year plan of action in order to boost its renewable energy utilization and has several power projects scheduled to begin next month.


Hydropower, the country’s traditional source of renewable energy has become unreliable as a result of erratic weather patterns (lack of sufficient rainfall). This, combined with increased power demand in the country, has made RE development a priority in the country.



Kenya currently obtains more than 75% of its 1,200 MW of power from hydro resources, and is racing to exploit its enormous geothermal potential, which are rivaled only by Ethiopia’s.


By June 2012, according to Prime Minister Raila Odinga, the country will have boosted its energy capacity by up to 2,000 MW through geothermal, wind, bio-fuel, solid waste, and coal-driven power plants.

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