Liberian Micro-Hydro Plant to be Ready in 2013

The World Bank pilot project in Liberia involving micro-hydropower is gearing up for completion in March 2013. The Bank’s senior energy economist Clemencia Torres de Mastle said the Yandohun power plant, one of two pilot projects under the Bank’s Catalyzing New Renewable Energy in Rural Liberia program, is currently under construction in Lofa country.


The rehabilitated micro-hydropower plant and electricity distribution will increase its pre-war production levels of 35 kW to 60 kW, providing electricity to over 200 residences. The African government contracted Enco Ltd. for the design, supply, construction, and commissioning of the plant in January 2011. Construction began in May that same year and once commissioned, the plant and electricity distribution will be managed and operated by a community committee.


The community has been offered training programs offered from Booker Washington Institute which has seen four members graduate so far from the 10-week intensive training in basic electricity. The course included hydropower plant operation and maintenance, transmission line service, household wiring, and safety.


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