Loeriesfontein and Khobab Achieve Commercial Operations

South Africa’s Loeriesfontein and Khobab wind farms commenced their 20-year commercial operations, a milestone they have achieved on schedule, on budget and without a single lost-time incident. The facilities have a generation capacity of 140 MW each.

The two neighboring wind farms combined make up the largest single expanse of wind turbines in the country.

Situated in the Northern Cape the wind farms comprise a total of 122 wind turbine generators, spanning 6,653 hectares. Collectively the wind farms will power circa 240,000 South African households, positively impacting the country’s economy and its people. “

The two wind farms were developed by Mainstream Renewable Power which also managed the construction process and will oversee the operations and maintenance of the plants. The Loeriesfontein and Khobabwind farms are owned by a consortium led by Lekela Power. 

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