Lumos Awarded Covid-19 Solar Relief Fund to Power Healthcare Response in Africa

Lumos reported that it is one of four renewable energy companies that has been selected to receive a share of the $500,000 Solar Relief Fund from Nigerian off-grid energy impact investing company All On.

This new funding, and the availability of Lumos’ country-wide operations and logistics network, mean that solar home systems are rapidly being deployed to critical healthcare and emergency response centres across Nigeria.

One of the organizations that is receiving Lumos’ solar home systems is the Society for Family Health.

Doctor Anthony Iwala, Social Franchise Director, Society for Family Health, commented: “We are pleased to receive this very significant support from Lumos and All On. It is an exemplary intervention that will facilitate the success of the fight against the virus. Electricity from their solar systems will ensure staff are properly kitted, able to prepare instruments and medication without compromising infection prevention protocols.”

The solar systems will be used to power basic necessities such as lighting, fans and computers, ensuring that essential services are able to respond to the crisis, supply testing kits, and deliver urgent medical care.

Adepeju Adebajo, CEO, Lumos Nigeria commented: “Covid-19 is an unprecedented crisis, putting millions of lives at risk. Reliable, affordable and clean electricity is vital to running life-saving equipment in hospitals and training essential workers. The All-On fund is enabling us to react exceptionally quickly. Lumos has the products and the trained staff on the ground to install solar systems, which will allow key workers to test and treat patients with the virus and save lives.”

Dr. Wiebe Boer, CEO, All On, commented: “All On investee Lumos was selected to be part of the Covid-19 Solar Relief Fund based on their immediate preparedness to respond with products, inventory, technical capabilities and their efficient nationwide delivery track record.”

As a socially responsible organisation, with more than a 50% of the solar home system market in Nigeria, Lumos is well prepared and committed to providing reliable, accessible and clean solar power to support essential workers through this crisis. Read a note from Alistair Gordon, CEO of Lumos on Covid-19 here.

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