Mozambique’s Namaacha Wind Farm Receives SEFA Support

The AfDB, through the Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa (SEFA), will support Mozambique’s Namaacha utility-scale wind farm project. Parque Eólico da Namaacha will receive $985,000 to support project preparation activities.


SEFA support will be essential for the development of the project towards financial close, by covering the costs of technical and legal advisory services as well as parts of the environmental and social impact assessment.


The project will add 60 MW peak power to the grid and expand transmission capacities and is expected to be set as an example to replicate in the Southern Africa Region. It will provide reliable and clean power to the grid-connected population and industries in Maputo Province.


This project will be a good test for integrating renewables in the grid, encouraging bankability and financial close, contributing to reducing the significant peak-load gaps exhibited by the grid in Southern Maputo Province.





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