Ncondezi puts Mozambique solar and storage project on-hold

Ncondezi Energy Ltd., in an Apr 9 statement announced that it has put on hold its solar-plus-storage project for a commercial and industrial client in Mozambique due to the coronavirus pandemic. The company also reported on its 300 MW power project.

Ncondezi said that the project off-taker has issued a force majeure notice because of the inability to provide site access for construction at this time. On an optimistic note, the statement did say that the Q2 2020 target commissioning timeframe still achievable should restrictions ease in May 2020 as per current Government guidance

CEO Hanno Pengilly stated that as long as the force majeure notice is in place, Ncondezi Energy will not undertake further construction costs. "The company is working closely with all parties involved in the project. All major equipment is in secure storage facilities ready for future deployment when the restrictions are lifted,” he said.

“Separately, the work program for the Company’s 300-MW Ncondezi Project remains on track and a more detailed update on key milestones for 2020 is expected to be released this month,” the CEO added.

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