Nigeria Power Sector Program Off Grid Team visits REA

Nigeria Power Sector Program (NPSP), Off Grid Team Lead MK Balaji, met with the team from Rural Electrifcation Agency (REA) for a presentation on a new geospatial tool, designed in line with REA’s Least Cost Energy Access Strategy.

The geospatial tool, when fully active, will guide the Nigerian Government, Mini Grid & SHS Developers and Investors in determining the least-cost technology mix of grid extension, Mini Grid, & SHS to facilitate an effective electrification solution for each household in Nigeria.

The tool will be hosted on the REA website, with a custom dashboard utilizing primarily data from REA with focus on population, basic amenities, on/off grid locations, substations & general geography, across the states in Nigeria.

The REA team expressed enthusiasm about the project, adding that the end product will be a great resource tool for the energy and off grid sector since access to data is vital to the deployment of mini grid.

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