Tender issued for Hybrid Plant in Niger

A tender has been issued for Niger’s solar-diesel hybrid project in Agadez. According to the issued tender, the project involves a 13 MWp solar PV plant and a 2×3 MW diesel plant. Both plants should be equipped with individual systems and associated auxiliaries.

It should also have a 5MWh storage system, a main supervisory control and data acquisition system for the hybrid plant linked with the northern power grid. A 20kV substation and two single 20kV lines of about 3km in length each to connect the hybrid plant to an existing high-voltage substation will also be needed.

The project is designed to supplement power currently provided by two 18.8-MW coal-fired plants operated in the region by Société Nigérienne de Charbon.

The cost of all studies, including detailed analysis of grid stability and potential tests of the stability of the hybrid plant, are to be covered by the contractor.The design of the project should provide for its expansion on a modular basis to meet future demand growth. A preliminary feasibility study has been completed

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