WFO Publishes its Global Offshore Wind Report for 2022

Press Release

World Forum Offshore Wind (WFO) published its Global Offshore Wind Report 2022 today. Globally, 9,433 MW of offshore wind capacity went into operation in 2022. Global offshore wind growth in 2022 was again mainly driven by China which installed 6.8 GW of new offshore wind capacity in 2022. Global installed offshore wind capacity reached 57.6 GW by the end of 2022.

42 new offshore wind farms went into operation (definition: all turbines installed and first power produced) worldwide during 2022 of which 29 were installed in China, 5 in Vietnam, 2 in Japan, 1 in the UK, 1 in South Korea, 1 in Italy, 1 in France, 1 in Spain, and 1 in Germany.

China expanded its position as the world’s largest offshore wind market by far with 25.6 GW of installed capacity, more than the UK (13.6 GW), Germany (8.0 GW) and the Netherlands (3.0 GW) combined. 44% of the world’s total offshore wind capacity is now installed in China.

Looking at offshore wind farms under construction (definition: first offshore wind foundation installed), China again leads the way. The Chinese offshore wind sector continues to grow with a total capacity of 3,688 MW under construction at the end of 2022. The UK is in second place with a total capacity of 2,790 MW under construction, closely followed by Taiwan (2,505 MW) and the Netherlands (2,259 MW). France and Germany follow in fifth and sixth place with 993 MW and 257 MW under construction, respectively.

The full Global Offshore Wind Report 2022 can be downloaded for free on the WFO website here

 Gunnar Herzig, Managing Director, World Forum Offshore Wind (WFO): “It is excellent to see that important new offshore wind markets such as France and Japan have successfully installed their first commercial-scale offshore wind farms. We will see many more countries from around the world join the offshore wind industry over the next few years.”

About WFO

WORLD FORUM OFFSHORE WIND (WFO) is the world’s only organization 100% dedicated to fostering the global growth of offshore wind energy. WFO’s international members represent the complete offshore wind value chain including developers, manufacturers, service firms and other organizations. WFO is registered as a non-profit association (e.V.) in Germany with offices in Hamburg, Taipei, New York, and Tokyo. WFO’s unique profile facilitates access to governmental and international forums to open new markets and to advocate for global offshore wind growth.

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